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If you would like to contact Lap Off!, or help with our campaign, or just to be kept informed of developments please email

3 Responses to Contact Us

  1. liz whitlock says:

    Please keep me informed of your campaign. I support you fully, I have two teenage daughters living nearby and do not want them to be affected by the possibility of this club openeing at the music palace.
    Please keep me informed of any developments.

  2. Claire Loveday says:

    I’ll sign the petition, but you really need something in it saying ‘these clubs demean women’. It’s not just about safety and noise, is it, otherwise someone could argue that placed somewhere else they’re okay.. which they’re not..In reality, they’re part of the sex industry….and the women working in them face a range of issues…

  3. Audrey says:

    Totally agree Claire – we do not tolerate racist or homophobic ‘entertainment’ so why that which is blatantly degrading to women?

    There is a reason that porn is considered unlawful in the workplace: it demeans women and endorses degrading sexist stereotypes. Strip clubs are live porn. They are places where men pay to degrade women as submissive and disposable sexual commodities which in any other setting would be illegal.

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